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Actual submission copy #2:

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Planning Assessment Officer,
Redlands City Council.

REF:       Submission on the Proposed Development application MCU19/0142, Mary Pleasant Drive, Birkdale for a large 24/7 fast food restaurant and drive through and medical centre.

Please find below my objections to the proposed changes at Birkdale Fair.


1) Parking demand survey was completed in March 2018.
2) Records show it rained on both those days and that normally means people stay in when they can.
3) How many additional houses have been built in Birkdale\Wellington Point since the survey? my feeling is that it is getting busier and busier hence the demand for another survey, on both wet and dry days.
4) It is difficult to park to collect kids from the school bus now without losing spaces in that area
5) Dorsal Drive is about to get 18 new families at 100 Dorsal Drive just down from Birkdale Fair.
6) There are 32 additional families moving into a new estate off Hanalie Road over the next 18 months.
7) House plots in Makaha, Murray, Cavell and Thomas Street continue to be split into 2 plots increasing the number of families in the area
8) it is only an additional 7 extra parking spots due to the number lost by the building, the report estimates an additional 77 required.
Point 5,6,7 have not been taken into account with the increased traffic through Dorsal Drive especially with increased numbers heading to the sea view to eat their food. An estimated 15% of traffic through to Dorsal Drive is on the low side.

9) the loss of parking at the front of the site will mean that parking will not be convenient for the majority of patrons using Woolworths 

10) There will be anti-social behaviour as a result of McDonalds. There are residential streets in all directions as seen on Appendix A

11) There are Macdonald’s in Capalaba, Tingalpa and Cleveland (All away from residential)

12) We are meant to be promoting healthy living, this site will be within walking distance of 3 large schools, there are already a number of fast food companies on the boundary including a burger restaurant.

13) The Easement between Agnes Street and Mary Pleasant is dangerous now due to the width between the two fast food shops, Miss Kays and Seafood shop. Additional traffic will be an issue. 

14) Although a MRV is shown on page 42, it's path into the site and how it ends up in the location on page 66 is dangerous


I ask in the first instance for the application to be rejected.

I ask for updated surveys to be completed

I ask for a public consultation 


Don’t allow this to happen in Birkdale, we are rapidly losing the 'village' feel that makes this home.




Yours sincerely

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